“The sciences should only be taught,
inasmuch they contribute to aligning the soul
to the higher existence, to the eternally true ideas.
Only if they do this, they should be taught.”
Plato |
“There is only one single good for man: science. And only one single evil: ignorance.”
Socrates |
“Crucial is, to find the central point, which unites our ethical nature with the all-embracing order – the central harmony: that is in reality the highest human goal. For long time men were only seldom successful in it.”
Konfucius |
“All things are influenced by harmony, through the order of the cosmic harmony laws all things have their right place. Therefore the wise man creates a music, which corresponds to cosmic harmony, and an upbringing and education, which is appropriate to the cosmic dignity of man.”
Konfucius |
“To know the Eternal means: to be enlightened. who does not know the Eternal, creates senseless disaster.”
Lao Tse
Tao-Te-King |
“Never we should be more reverential, as when Divinity is concerned. If we enter the temples only in a meditative mood, how much more we have to do this, when we examine the stars and their nature and elaborate on it.”
Aristotle |