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Regarding this Mozart has this to say, which is also very interesting for natural scientists:

“The ones I like I keep in my mind, and obviously also hum them to myself - at least, this is what others have told me. If I now keep this in my mind, soon one after another joins in such a way that a piece could be used to make a story from it, based on counterpoint, on the sound of the different instruments, etc. This now heats up my soul as long as I am not disturbed; it becomes ever larger, and I keep expanding on it farther and lighter, and the thing truly becomes almost finished in my head, even if it is long, so that I can then see it in my mind at one glance, as if it were a nice picture or a beautiful human being; and I don’t hear it in my imagination a piece at a time, the way it later will be structured, but I hear it at once. This now has become a feast! All this finding and creating happens inside me like a wonderful, great dream. But listening to it, all of it together, that’s what’s best.”

Thus Mozart points to the phenomenon of intuition or revelation - of the experience of an amalgamation of space and time within consciousness – as the experience of an entire musical opus beyond time and space in the absolute now, without depending on space and time in any way, even though the uneducated composer and scientist assumes and thinks that music itself is the structural tool of space and time and that music could not even exist without the experience of time and space.
And the particularly narrow-minded among them will still now want to determine that music without time and space cannot possibly be permitted to exist.

I want to shake up these composers and musicians and, correspondingly, these scientists by declaring that all great composers have at all times created or scooped “their” music from this sphere of space-time integration beyond time and space: through revelation - that is, while they had taken up their position of consciousness beyond time and space, the musical opus was suddenly revealed to them as a whole, and the same is probably true for the truly great natural scientists - at least some of them tell of it, among them Albert Einstein when he confesses how he came to his theory of relativity; allow me to repeat it once more:

„On the path to discovery, the intellect has little to do.
There is a leap in consciousness,
call it intuition or whatever you like,
and the solution comes to you,
and you do not know how and why..“
Albert Einstein

All these “truly great ones”, though few they may be among the masses of official experts, testify that they were and/or are able - at least for some short time - to take up with their cognizant intellect their natural position beyond space and time.

To clarify this even more: this is where the nuclear physicists and astrophysicists with their 7- billion-euro project in Switzerland are searching for the “Big-Bang” on behalf of power hungry interest groups and the arms lobby, but where, in their narrow-minded three states of consciousness and in these mentally-emotionally narrow bounds of their artificial intelligence, acquired by academic training, they would never get the idea that, since time immemorial, people move about there regularly with their power of cognition and have to move about there to be successful in their profession, or more precisely, in their vocation - as for instance the great composers, but also the great scientists, artists, thinkers and prophets.
Everything his colleagues at CERN in Switzerland are unable to find out because of the mentally- emotionally narrow bounds of their first three states of consciousness, Albert Einstein may have very well and very precisely known through his own authentic experience – and he expressed this very succinctly.

“The most incomprehensible part of the universe is basically
the fact that we can comprehend it.”
Albert Einstein

However, after the two atom bombs had been dropped on Japan, Einstein had to realize to what purpose low-minded people were able to take advantage of such insights; he has not spoken about it anymore.

Therefore, if we were not to think of Albert Einstein as a hypocrite or liar, we ought to assume that he knew very intimately the basis and/or the essence of the world formula for which so many in their petty-bourgeois lives search so unsuccessfully by means of their artificially and by rote acquired intelligence and their correspondingly artificial mathematics.

“Since the mathematicians have taken over my theory of relativity,
I do not understand it myself anymore.”
Albert Einstein

Understanding the universe does not require time, only the capability to inhabit - with the help of a significant leap in consciousness and at least for a short while – accompanied by one’s mental power of cognition the sphere beyond space and time where space and time originate - seen from the standpoint of the scientific assistants of CERN, this is behind their alleged “Big Bang” for which they are waiting so eagerly because basically they would experience it as approaching them, while for a person who, with his mental power of cognition, moves beyond space and time, this “Big Bang” would practically start from where he is, as if it would start from him and move away from him, move outwards into the cosmic world and even into the narrow-minded earthly world of these researchers.

It is this natural position I mean when I speak of “cosmic” - as, by the way, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and several others have already done, as well as the great classical composers and the great scientists, including Einstein.

And since some personalities were able to credibly take up this position and then also reported about it, as did, for instance, Mozart, Einstein and Beethoven, we can assume, that man is basically designed in such a way that he can authentically take up this cosmic standpoint beyond space and time with his cognizant consciousness.
What he makes out of it, is a different story.

Upon returning to the world of relative, limited insight, he may confuse his scientific colleagues with what he has experienced and prompt them to start blind investigations, developments and experiments, as in the case of Einstein, or he may delight the hearts of man, as Mozart did, for instance, with his musical revelations. Or, beyond that, he may give his fellow humans a talking to (something some of Einstein’s colleagues certainly would have badly needed), as Beethoven did.

Now to the “bitter” truth:
This state of a cosmically unfolded albeit timewise very limited power of cognition, which nevertheless unfolds beyond space and time in the absolute now, cannot be experienced by the average scholar nor by the average musician or composer, because at that very time, he has already sunk into deep sleep - into that of the three usual states of consciousness which he is well familiar with, there, where man even loses his self-awareness, where he not even notices anymore that he exists. The total darkness in his inner power of cognition does not permit him to experience the cosmic.

Thus he would have to overcome deep sleep - at least once in his life or, if possible, several times or, ideally, all the time. Then he can commute back and forth at will between the absolute now beyond space and time and those worlds within space and time.

This ability has been called, for logical reasons, cosmic consciousness by those who have authentically made this experience and who had or have developed it to a certain degree of perfection - not a badly chosen appellation if one looks at the facts. And among many would-be esoterics, the term even has already become a dictum - but they belong to those who have not made this experience authentically.

How does Beethoven put it in reference to his colleagues in the field of music?

“Music is the climate of my soul,
there it flowers,
and does not only turn into weeds,
like the thoughts of others,
who call themselves composers.”

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