It may be that we can train people in medicine in this way again, just as Pythagoras did in his famous school. To experience health as such is something very beautiful and immensely uplifting.
And we can learn to experience “
health” – and:
we can teach this as a scientific discipline.
The word “meditation” was mentioned several times at this conference in a medical context, other appropriate things were cited, religion was also addressed – with regard to the scientific use of music in the field of medicine, I would like to add: with the help of the
harmony laws of the microcosm of music one can train oneself to hear health as such.
Music –
naturally created music – such as
Medical Resonance Therapy Music® can help us with this, because, on the basis of its natural holistic structure according to the harmony laws of the microcosm of music, it leads us in a systematic-logical manner to where “health” is established by nature.
When we hear this harmonically structured music, we tend to fall
asleep. And when we learn step by step to move towards sleep with our consciousness, but not actually to fall asleep, but rather continue hearing, we notice that we lock our outer hearing from the inside – so that we no longer hear the music sounding from outside –, but that we suddenly
only hear from inside.
We are completely awake, we are not sleeping, and in this complete alertness we are able to perceive in our deep inner
self what “health” sounds like.
And this is a very beautiful experience, it is a completely
harmonious experience, and it includes
all our senses of experience as well as our inner cognitive organs – it is a very liberating,
extremely pleasant experience.
The learning process of hearing “health” as such, should be part of future medical education – and this has already begun, because more and more people tell me that what I have just described, is their personal experience, too.
So when hearing
Medical Resonance Therapy Music® they experience how the quality of their
thinking changes more and more, and how they suddenly no
longer think at all.
This is a completely new and unfamiliar experience, an absolutely new phenomenon: that they are not thinking at all and are nevertheless wide awake.
Pure awareness” some people call it – whatever names we may use for it: it happens with this music.
Suddenly they experience where their
thinking begins – they suddenly realise what their health really means to them. And some of them
experience “life” itself.